Monday, February 14, 2011

Fast Foward

Over the last two months, I haven't really caught up with updating this blog.  I intend to catch you up to present day in one post.  Here it goes:

From the last post, 2 for 2, you met Red Cup, my Sunday night date.  Well the very next night I had a date with Jeremy Cornmaze.  It didn't spark quite as much so I never called him again, nor he me.

And so, the sparkle continued between me and Red.  We hung out a whole lot.  We have a TON in common.  He thinks I'm funny and laughs at my jokes.  We seemed to be on relationship road, asking tons of personal questions and answering honestly (hopefully).  We opened up - shared some great quality time.  I heard from him multiple times each day via email, text, or chat.
Come last weekend.  After a bit upswing in relationshipy-type-activity, then a big downswing in relationshipy-type-activity, I got brave and started a really awkward conversation.

awkward conversation including - 1) "do you like me?" and 2) "are we exclusive?"

yep, it was about as painful as it sounds. so here are the answers, 1) "yes" and 2) "no"

we basically figured out that Red, who was fresh out of a relationship when I met him, is alll about being single, and I, who have been single for the last 7 or so years, am looking for a relationship. We acknowledged that and also that we liked each others' company, so there's that.  so now, with him, I feel like I am in the same place one goes when he's waiting for God to tell him if he can get into heaven or not.  Waiting sucks.

But in the meantime, while Red figures out that being single isn't all it's cracked up to be  (believe me, I know), I'm going to make the most of being single.  They say in your 30's women hit their prime - well, I'm not sure if "they" say that, but I think I'm going to start saying that, because it makes me feel better. 

And we've come back full circle to the beginning - back to the single, dating life.  Wish me luck on this go-around.